Future Update Plans!

What is up my fishys! I just got the the full version of construct 3 (more info here: https://superworm-gaming.itch.io/i-didnt-miss/devlog/392338/future-update-plans)  which is good news and bad news for this game. Good news because now I have a much more powerful and capible game engine to develop 5SF, but bad news because this version was made is construct 2, meaning that I need to rebuild everything from scratch in that engine (except the art and sounds). I guess on the flipside, that does mean that I can make a more polished version from scratch, but still, ouch. I am acually planning on a full release, but I think that I'll spend a bit of time updating my other game, I Didn't Miss (https://superworm-gaming.itch.io/i-didnt-miss) first.

-Fishy Superworm

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